Dessert Turned Main Dish – Whole Wheat Strawberry Cake

One of the not-so-guilty pleasures of being a food blogger is the ability (and necessity) to set aside time to peruse many of the fabulous food blogs out there.  Today I happened upon Fork Spoon Knife and Smitten Kitchen.  What beautiful sites filled with mouth-watering food photography and delicious recipes.  Both sites had photos of similar desserts that caught my eye.  Fork Spoon Knife had one for a Strawberry Buttermilk Cake while Smitten Kitchen had photos of their Summer Strawberry Cake.  In both sets of photos the strawberries peeked out of golden brown puffed cakes, just begging to be eaten.  I knew then and there, that we would be the ones to eat them.  I had strawberries and buttermilk just waiting in my fridge for a good use.  But there was only one problem – we didn’t need dessert, we needed dinner.  So what’s a mom to do?  I upped the nutrition ante of course! (more…)