Pumpkin Muffins – A Fall Breakfast Treat

The first day sugar pumpkins were displayed in the market, my children HAD to have them.  They couldn’t wait to make Pumpkin Pasties ala Harry Potter, pumpkin pie, and all the delicious fall pumpkin treats.  So we bought them…and made lots of pumpkin puree.

After reaching out to my Facebook community for Sunday morning breakfast ideas, Joelle’s suggestion of a pumpkin loaf reminded me that I had tons of pumpkin puree in the refrigerator.  It was time to create a new pumpkin treat for my family.  Muffins are great warm, right out of the oven, but they’re also a delicious addition to the lunch box and I’m always in need of lunch box ideas!  These Pumpkin muffins are paired with another ingredient I turn to often in the fall, pure maple syrup.  The combination of the pumpkin and the maple really come together to make a delicious, lightly sweetened muffin. (more…)