The Scary Seven:  Foods the Experts Avoid

The Scary Seven: Foods the Experts Avoid

Some of you may have seen this article before.  It has floated around Facebook and been passed along in emails.  But in case you haven’t, it’s an article that needs to be read.  According to an article in PREVENTION magazine, there are seven foods that individuals at the forefront of food safety avoid eating.  These foods are as follows:

1. Canned tomatoes

2. Corn Fed Beef

3. Microwave Popcorn

4. Non Organic Potatoes

5. Farmed Salmon

6. Milk Produced with Artificial Hormones

7. Conventionally grown apples.

This was an eye opening read for me.  Though a couple of the foods listed were already on my radar, a few of them were not.   We previously deconstructed number three, microwave popcorn, a few months ago here at Out of the Box Food.  In addition to to the chemicals found in the lining of the bag mentioned in this article, we also found the ingredient TBHQ, a form of Butane.  You can reread that Out of the Box Food post HERE.  Aside from the Butane coated microwave popcorn, many of the foods mentioned in this article I regularly bought for my family because they were convenient.  I’m sure deep down I figured some of them weren’t the best choice, like conventionally grown apples and non-organic potatoes, but I bought them because they were less expensive and more readily available.  In fact, just yesterday I made a quick stop at my neighborhood market (which is know for carrying everything) to pick up some potatoes for our dinner.  I looked for organic potatoes, but to no avail.  This couldn’t be.  This is a market that has every item imaginable, yet I couldn’t find organic potatoes.  When I asked the gentleman in the produce department, he informed me that not only did they not carry organic potatoes, but they wouldn’t.  He said they don’t sell.  Huh.  Then I did something I probably wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t read this article.  I walked out and drove to another market.  If this had happened before I read this article and started my journey with Out of the Box Food, I probably would have bought the conventionally grown potatoes because it was convenient.  Well convenient doesn’t cut it anymore and I’m prepared to let my dollars speak.  I hope you’ll join me.

So without further ado, I give you:

The 7 foods experts won’t eat


I hope you’re finding the food news articles on Out of the Box Food helpful.  I’ll continue to scour the news feeds and share with you my findings.  There is so much important information out there right now, and I believe it is worth sharing.  Next week, we’ll deconstruct another processed goody.  Until next week…

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Matt J

    I’m not sure you should link to this article really. Fredrick vom Saal’s ‘research’ has been widely criticised and he refuses to hand over his data for everyone to verify his findings. And claiming an expert in organic farming is a credible expert to pass comment on non-organic farming is a bit like asking a turkey to vote for Christmas. Sketchy article to say the least…

  2. April Johnson

    Do you know organic popcorn is safe to eat? That’s what I buy at Whole Foods. Thank you.

    1. kimgerber

      Yes, popcorn is a great, wholesome snack! We just want to steer clear of microwave popcorn.

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