A Natural Progression…

Skin and Haircare products we put on our bodies should really be as natural as the food we are putting in.  Speaking to this point, I have one last personal story to conclude our Peter Lamas series.

As many of you know, I have twin boys.  One son’s negative reaction to Chicken McNuggets was the catalyst for beginning this Out of the Box Food journey.  His aggression and anger within the hour after consuming the Chicken McNuggets caused me to look harder into what I fed my family.  My other son didn’t outwardly react as strong to the food, but  has always reacted strongly to diaper creams, lotions, sunscreens and other skin care products.  In fact, when I consider all the products that have caused rash after rash on my son’s sensitive skin and what I’ve learned from Peter Lamas and my new research into the ingredients in these products, I can now see the correlation between the rashes and the chemicals in the products. (more…)


The Hidden Cost of Beauty – A Guest Post by Peter Lamas

Written by: Peter Lamas

There are hundreds of face creams, shampoos, lipsticks and other beauty products that line the aisles of a store’s beauty section, each product claiming to help make you more beautiful. But at what cost? Many of today’s products are loaded with harsh chemicals that can irritate or damage your hair and skin. In fact, some ingredients are so toxic, they are considered carcinogenic – cancer-causing. (more…)


Taking Shampoo Out of the Box – Plus GIVEAWAY!

As I was pouring shampoo onto my children’s hair a few weeks ago, I decided to take a look at the shampoo’s label…after all, I read all food product labels, why shouldn’t I check out what’s in the products we put on the most porous organ of our body…the skin.  Turns out that “Baby” shampoo we use is filled with artificial colors, carcinogenic Formaldehyde (see article) and chemicals I couldn’t even pronounce.  Scary.  So I began to wonder: Is there is a difference between ingesting artificial colors and chemicals and having them absorbed by the skin? Take a look at the ingredients in a bottle of Johnson’s Baby Shampoo: (more…)