Ice Cream Sandwich and Pimple Cream: The Common Ingredient

You ready for this one?  I’m not even sure if I’m ready to write about it, but it is DEFINITELY a food story that needs to be told.  Over the summer I took my boys to a popular indoor playground in Los Angeles.  You know the ones where your kids climb, swing, slide and basically wreak havoc for several hours in a padded room while you try desperately to tune out the constant drone of screaming?  Yup, that’s the one. (more…)


Breakfast Bars – Amp Up or Fuel Up?

Last week a friend suggested we take a deconstructed look at breakfast bars.  As a working mother of two under four, her mornings are busy and rushed yet she wants to provide a healthy start to her kids’ day.  One day in a pinch, she picked up a nationally recognized brand bar for the following morning’s breakfast.  Ten minutes after eating the bar, her son was bouncing off the walls.  That little self-proclaimed “health” bar, had turned a quiet morning into a wild, stress-filled kickoff to the day.

Aren’t school mornings challenging enough? (more…)


Leggo o’ the Eggo

Sunday mornings are waffle mornings at our house. Wholesome, whole wheat, buttermilk waffles. In six minutes the batter is made, then I ask the kids: “waffles or pancakes…or both?  Yup, the kids get to choose but I don’t have to be the short-order cook.  In fact, for the rest of the week, even on busy school mornings, the kids can choose to make it a  pancake or waffle morning.  How?  In six minute we’ve got a  pancake and waffle batter for that special Sunday morning plus extras to freeze for the busy weekday mornings.  No more store-bought frozen toaster waffles or pancakes.  Oh, and did I mention no need for maple syrup?  The next post will cover that…stay tuned.
